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April 09, 2013 1 min read 5 Comments

ZeroUV has been partnering with many fashion bloggers from all around the world. It has been a joy to see how bloggers with such different, unique tastes entwine our products with their styles. If you are interested in collaborating with us, we would love to connect with you! Simply send us an email to our blog coordinator. Your email should include:

  • Name
  • Where you are from
  • Link to your blog
  • Facebook, Lookbook, Google, Bloglovin' page etc. (if existent)
We will make sure to respond and answer any questions or concerns you may have. Thank you and we look forward to our possible partnership with you! 

5 Responses


May 10, 2017

Hello, how are you? ❤
My name is Andressa, I have an instagram with 45 thousand followers and a faceb­­­ook profile with mo­re than 50 thousand followers .. I also have a snapchat wi­th an average of 80 th­o­usand views. Cu­rre­nt­ly social net­works have a great power in relation to the dis­semination of pr­oduc­ts.
Brands gain more vi­­­sibility and more co­nsumers.
I know that nowadays there are many inf­­­luencers in urges, but my differential is facebook. Where I have a different au­d­ience and people that do not contain ins­tagram.
I am ready for a new partnership, showi­­­ng my audience a li­t­tle of your brand and thus bringing you more followers and consequently buye­rs. Social networks to­day are the great­est marketing tools.
Take a look at my social networks and if you have interest, just let me know …


Att Andressa Sant Anna

ilknur balcı
ilknur balcı

April 04, 2017

I am a blog writer in Türkiye . My blog name is I have a 1767 funs on my blog.
My blog category is lifestyle blog since 8 years .
I like write blog and trying new cosmetic, fashion, and shopping web site.
I would be happy to cooperate with you
I use facebook, twitter, instagram on the social media.
My social media links are shown below.
I welcome your suggestions and advice

My last post links are here; (fashion) ( event)


June 29, 2015

Hi, I’m a devoted fashion blogger from Australia. I have been browsing through your store and I admire the uniqueness of the products. I want to bring more attention to your store since I like it so much and therefore I offer a proposal for a collaboration or sponsorship.
I have a blog with over 27 200+ followers that gets many page views daily.
I work with various companies to review and promote their products and store to bring them a broader customer sales. Sometimes, I also request a discount code I can offer my followers so that they are more compelled to purchasing items. I have collaborated with companies similar to yours in the past and they have been extremely happy with the traffic and orders I get for them.
My URL is:
Please consider this cooperation as I know we will both benefit greatly.
Thank you


June 12, 2015

Hello there,

my name is Rira. I am a fashionblogger from Germany. I’ve been impressed by your products from the first moment on, which induced me writing you this message.

My interest is to introduce your products in form of a cooperation to my Follower and Reader. The new blogposts will be done with high quality images by professional photographer. I could also imagine dealing with „giveaways“ by tempting to follow your page.

If there is interest also on your side I’d be looking forward working with you.

Attached you can see my blog-sites and social media profiles.

I’m looking forward to your respond. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to connect.

Best regards,

Thayra Rihm

Instagram: @la_rira


June 01, 2015

Hey there,

My name is Shannah, and I am the owner of the Instagram fashion blog @projectfashionyou. I have just had a look at the Zerouv instagram account and I really love your accessories – I would absolutely love to do a collab with you!

I have over 22k followers on instagram, and have worked with Australian boutiques such as Show Pony, Princess Polly, Popcherry, Dolly Girl Fashion, Uniqi, and so many more.

I also recently created a youtube channel, with first video getting over 500+ views and over 100 subscribers and hoping to expand.

You can check it out here:

I would love the chance to work with you, and I look forward to hearing from you.


Shannah x

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